10 September 2010

Anthropologie Giveaway

I must apologize by my lack of a Things Bloggers Do  post this week.  I have way too much going on, and I have it half finished, but no pictures.  To me, the pictures are the most fun part, so you'll just have to wait until next week! Its about the Dollar Store this time.  Yes.

I know this says Anthropologie Giveaway...but I'm changing the name from Giveaway to, Give-a-little,get-a-little. We all know I absolutely love to see more people come to my blog, and I know you love to get good things!  So let the

Anthropologie give-a-little,get-a-little commence!

This time, you will receive a $50.00 Anthropologie gift card (that goes a long way toward their new boots...)

a $20.00 credit toward anything in my Etsy shop

a copy of The Holiday (just because I love it)

and a Brooke Waggoner CD!

All I ask for in return (the give-a-little part) is to leave a comment saying that you:

-  Follow my blog
-  Blog about the giveaway
(and if you DON'T have a blog, just facebook it or tweet it).

Thats it!  I'll keep it open until next Friday and announce the winner on Monday Sept. 20th (my birthday! woohoo!)

Good luck everybody!


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Heather said...

I follow your blog on FB and Blogger, double the Twiggy goodness. Love Anthropologie, and I am sharing this giveaway on FB.

Unknown said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Neat giveaway! I am a follower.

Erica said...

This is a fantastic giveaway! I do follow your blog and love it!

Bree Johnson said...

Follow religiously :) really sad you don't live by me i know wed be friends! I know i sound creepy eh? I saw your blog through rory bateman- I didn't know you had an etsy shop its adorable! I would love to win!!!!! tweeted it up for ya!

Bree Johnson said...

ok this link should work sorry!

Sydney said...

Um, great giveaway & I didn't have to do 50 things to enter! Woo hoo :) Absolutely LOVE your blog. Thanks for all the laughs!

*I follow your blog & I shared on FB (Sydney Pavlat Szumski)*

Have a great weekend!

Cynthia said...

I am loooooving your blog since I recently found it...a couple months ago. What a generous give-away (er...give a little, get a little). Love your stuff on Etsy too. Oh, and love Anthropologie (sale rack).

I think that's a lot of loves for today, right?

I will blog about the giveaway when I find some extra time today!

Katherine Michael said...

I follow your blog! I'm a relatively new follower but I always look forward to your posts.

Also - I LOVE The Holiday. Such a good movie.

VS said...

Oh Yes...love your give alittle get alot event!! Can't wait to win..yipppeeee....
I am a follower & will add your event to 1 of my posts.
Thanks for the chance...

VS said...

Oh Yes...love your give alittle get alot event!! Can't wait to win..yipppeeee....
I am a follower & will add your event to 1 of my posts.
Thanks for the chance...

carly mary said...

i'm a follower!
crazy giveaway.

keeping my fingers crossed!

Jenny said...

I have followered your blog for sometime now. You are in my sidebar, actually.

And this is a cool giveaway.

I'm OK if you pick me.

But I'll wish you a Happy Birthday even if you don't!

Thanks for the fun.

PS. I'm having a little giveaway, too, if you want to stop by.

Christy @ MCH PHOTOGRAPHY said...

Happy Early birthday! Awesome giveaway! I am a follower.

whimages said...

This is a FUN giveaway! ...you are such a smarty pants! BRILLIANT! I already follow you darling!

Unknown said...


Ive blogged about your lovely giveaway, and I've been following you for some time, count me in!
And happy birthday in advance!

whimages said...

about to add this to my blog too! ;-)

Martha Carolyn said...

Anthropologie giveaway? How exciting!!! I follow your blog!

Martha Carolyn said...

I'm putting a link to your giveaway on my blog right now!


Michelle said...

Awesome! I love the Holiday too :)
I'm a follower!

ChRiS said...

this is exciting!!!! ty ty for a chance......i am a follower just.plzzz@yahoo.com

Christy @ MCH PHOTOGRAPHY said...

I did a post on my blog about your giveaway! Check it out here


Christy @ MCH PHOTOGRAPHY said...

I am also a follower!

Shannon said...

Great Giveaway...Love The Holiday and Anthro.
I am a follower and tweeted your giveaway!

Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

i heart that movie! i'm a follower.

Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

i just tweeted about your giveaway!

Sara Tornow said...

I follow your blog!

Blissful Blooms said...

Oh I mean, Yes, I follow your blog and I luuuurve it! See you next Saturday!

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

I would love me some anthro!!!!

I stalk I mean follow you :) I'll put your giveaway up on my next post :)

ricebabies said...

im a follwer through blogger for a while now. great giveaway, very generous.


Rex Robot Reviews said...

rexreadingrobot at gmail dot com

Amazing giveaway. Tweeted and I follow you on GFC

Carol said...

Hey, that's my oldest daughter's birthday as well, she'll be 28. Boy, do I feel old. I just became a follower, and I can't figure out why I wasn't already. What a sweet giveaway you're sharing with us, and I could so use some sweeeeettt boots from anthropologie.



Emily@TheWickerHouse said...

I think I'm more excited about winning one of your adorable pillows from your etsy shop, then I am about anthropologie. Brooke Waggoner Rocks! I only own "young friend" but would love to hear the whole albumn.
P.S. I'm a follower and I linked this giveaway on my blog.

fawn said...

I'm a faithful follower and fellow boot-lover

fawn said...

Also just recommended you of FB, yay!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower and I tweeted. http://twitter.com/amandawk/status/24129896361
amandarwest at gmaildotcom

Lindsay said...

I follow you!

lindsay.forgette at gmail dot com

kelley @ the eclectic owl said...

I follow your fabulous blog!

kelley @ the eclectic owl said...

I blogged about the giveaway!


Mrs. Patrick said...

Happy Birthday a few days early! GREAT giveaway.. I follow you and I tweeted about it too :)

Shelle said...

Happy early birthday. I so want this!!!
I follow your blog and love it!

Audra said...

oh fun! pick me, i am follower!

momentary lapse said...

I'm following your blog. What a great giveaway!

Kaizen Fashion Project said...

Blog follower!

heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Kaizen Fashion Project said...


heatheranne99 at gmail dot com

Annie said...

I follow you. : )

Cathy said...

Oh, wow, this is a fantastic giveaway. I love that movie too! I'm a loyal follower!

Terrell said...

I'm totally a follower of your delightful blog! I'd love to win! Thank you for the chance!! *Crosses fingers for the win*
~Terrell @ Frou Frou Decor~

Cathy said...

I just tweeted about this great giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I'm a new follower!! What a awesome giveaway!! Crossing my finger :)

Vanessa said...

Hello there, I'm a follower from before :) I like how your give aways alter me to awesome quality products, like the ones in your store.

Petie said...

I am a follower and I think I follow you on facebook. Pretty sure. I will be posting about your giveaway on my blog. I found your blog about 2 months ago and love it, especially the post where you are signing. Love the song.
Also, loved the post on yard sales.

terrid614 said...

i am your latest follower! i foundy you at the eclectic owl! i will also post about your giveaway on my blog, this weekend! have a great night!

bullie_mama said...

I'm a devoted follower - what an AWESOME giveaway! Nice!

Stephanie Grace said...

Such an amazing giveaway! I'm a follower and just posted on my blog. http://limeandcocoanut.blogspot.com

Sharon @ Elizabeth & Co. said...

Fabulos giveaway! Yes, I'm a follower!

Angela said...

I am a follower and that sounds like a fabulous giveaway!!

Unknown said...

This has to be one of THE CUTEST blogs I have been to in a while! I will be your newest follower! *jumping up and down* pick me! pick me!

lindsey k said...

I follow on google reader. Love it!!
What a great giveaway!! Don't have a blog or FB or Twitter though.

Unknown said...

I'm a follower, and I love reading your weekly "things bloggers do.." posts, they are always so funny! Sadly, they are way to accurate! But, they almost always make me laugh!


Unknown said...

I'm adding your giveaway to my sidebar!


Unknown said...

I just found your blog through the eclectic owl and I'm now following along!


Unknown said...

I just found your blog through the eclectic owl and I'm now following along!


Unknown said...

Tweet tweet! @SIDAC

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for the giveaway I am a new follower
tanyainjville at yahoo dot com

Unknown said...


Sarah B said...

What a fabulous giveaway! I'm a follower!
The Holiday is a great movie :)

Brit said...

I'm a follower and LOVE your blog! You have such talent and wonderful ideas.

Amanda said...

Tweeting !!! Thanks so much:D

Amanda said...

Oh and I love following your blog:D
Xo Mandy
Happppy Birthday!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower, and I love that movie. Great give away Jana!

Adrienne (Cead, mile failte) said...

Thanks for the opportunity to win ~ I follow also. Happy Birthday for the 20th!

Southern Sassafras said...

I follow, and LOVE!

Mom2Da'Gorgeouses said...

I'm a follower (sometimes they tell me I'm a leader too) ;)

Rusthawk said...

I'm one of your followers and I shard this giveaway on facebook. Happy Birthday!

Theo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Theo said...

I follow your blog with the same id as my email. I love the simplicity of your head by the way. It's very alluring!

Thanks so much for the chance and Happy Friday!

theredcloak [at] gmail [dot] com

shabbyloft said...

I am a follower and love your blog. Would love to win. Stanna

shabbyloft said...

I am a follower and love your blog. Would love to win. Stanna

Em {Emerging Em} said...

I'm a follower!


Anonymous said...


Kristi said...

I'm a follower and I tweeted. Thanks! http://twitter.com/Kristisdeals1/status/24213770095

kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

Quixotic Rie said...

I am following (under the name Claire tho) and my birthday is September 20th too!!! what are the odds?!

what a wonderful-full-of-everything-nice giveaway! :)

Patty said...

happy birthday.
i follow your blog.

Eva said...

hello, i'm a gfc follower - evil_eva12
& here's my tweet: http://twitter.com/evajiang/status/24251661914

evil_eva12 at hotmail dot com

tess said...

Happy birthday! cute giveaway, whoever wins this is a lucky devil. oh yeah and i am a follower.

Paige (The Last Doughnut) said...

I found your blog through Terri at Dessert or Diet. I love it and am now a follower! I'll be following on Google Reader. Glad to be here, and what an awesome giveaway!

Carrie said...

I am a follower of the blog and now on FB too! What a nice little giveaway. THANKS!

Nutbird said...

I am a new reader. I love your blog layout and colors. Ann

slip4 said...

Happy birthday to a fellow Virgo! My bday is Friday, 9/17. I am a happy follower of your blog. Great giveaway!

Katie said...

loving your blog. sweet giveaway. I am a follower for sure!

Katie said...

loving your blog. sweet giveaway. I am a follower for sure!

Unknown said...

Sweet Giveaway! Love this!
I am so a follower!

Katie said...

Faithful follower here :)

Ashley A. said...

I follow your blog darlin, and your facebook (now that I say it, I feel a little creepy :)) I love your funny posts and the bench Tanner finished and I love this give away and I assume I will love your market when I see it this weekend!! I will facebook about your give away!!


Ashley A. said...

I follow your blog darlin, and your facebook (now that I say it, I feel a little creepy :)) I love your funny posts and the bench Tanner finished and I love this give away and I assume I will love your market when I see it this weekend!! I will facebook about your give away!!


Katie said...

Just blogged about it. :)

Rachel Hart said...

I'm not sure why my comment didn't show up?


Jana, I posted about TWIG on my tumblr (which posts to my facebook as well).


Your friend,
Rachel Hart

Suzanne Cofer said...

Great blog with tons of delicious eye candy! I now follow you and indeed posted about your ever so enticing giveaway on Facebook. I have a photo only blog on Tumblr; take a gander if you are so inclined!

Suzanne Cofer said...

Great blog with tons of delicious eye candy! I now follow you and indeed posted about your ever so enticing giveaway on Facebook. I have a photo only blog on Tumblr; take a gander if you are so inclined!

Miranda @ Pressing On said...

I'm a follower and I blogged about it here http://bloominginalaska.blogspot.com/2010/09/anthropologie-giveaway.html
- Then I linked it to my Facebook page. Thanks for the yumminess. Someone is going to be VERY lucky!

Anonymous said...

Today, I became a follower of Twig blog. I loved the pics and items being sold.

Anonymous said...

I shared Twig blog on Facebook caus I dont have my own blog.

Anonymous said...

I subscribed to Twig on the blog so I can updated info....like this giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I decided to do a lil more...and hearted Twig on Etsy...a no brainer!

Anonymous said...

I also clicked "Like" and became a fan of Twig on Facebook!! Of course I did!!

Jessica said...

I follow your blog!

Staci said...

Love the Glacier photos and now I want to go! Just posted your giveaway on my facebook page! And going to start following your blog.....sounds a little creepyish don't you think? ;)

Jennifer K said...

I stalk, I mean follow your blog:) And I'm going to talk Twig up on fb! I love your funny posts and pictures - the garage sailing one is my all-time fav!

Aaron and Jessica said...

I just became a follower. Love your blog.
Thanks for sharing

Aaron and Jessica said...

I like you on facebook

Thanks for sharing

Aaron and Jessica said...

I added you to my blog.
Love your blog

Unknown said...

I follow you!

Chelsea said...

I'm a follower!!! Love this!!! Hope I win!


elchan said...

Just started following. Thanks for a lovely giveaway. Happy early bday!

Jenny said...

Best.Giveaway.Ever. Anthropologie is my life! I'm a new follower of your blog and look forward to reading it daily!

Anonymous said...

I already facebooked it and I'm about to post it on my blog right now! This is such a great giveaway..I love ALL of it so very much! Good job :)


AutumH said...

Follow and tweeted this wonderful giveaway- http://twitter.com/AutumH/status/24409159730

Thank you for the opportunity!


Rebecca said...

I am a new follower of your blog, and featured your giveaway on urbansherp.com. would be thrilled to win the gift certificates, if only to buy these boots at anthropologie that I have been obsessing over. shuler & sons - amazing!


Anita said...

I am a follower- that sounds better than lurker or stalker. And if I get picked, it'll mean my FIRST visit to an actual Anthro store...and a ROAD TRIP!

Stephanie said...

I follow your blog! And I'm about to tweet about your giveaway! Thanks for doing this... we love your shop, and Anthropologie too!

Happy Stephanie Girl said...

I follow you blog - it's kind of like a welcome peering through the window of your studio. I FB & blogged about the giveaway( http://www.stephaniehooper.blogspot.com )

I love your photos. What kind of camera/filter do you use? Is it post work in Photoshop?

ivyy said...

just blogged about it!
I just found this blog, by the way, and I love it!

Jen said...

Following your blog via newsletter. Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

What a sweet giveaway!!! Thank you~ Susie harris

capnwinkie said...

I just found you! I love your blog! And everything you're giving away!!

Sarah said...

I'm a follower!! oh and I love Anthropologie so I think we both know who should win.


Unknown said...

Love your blog, Jana! You have so many great tips and ideas and secrets. I just wished I still lived in the area so I could be a regular at The Vintage Whites Market! Amazing trade-off too, I have been coveting Anthropology's aprons and your sweet little pillows for far too long.

And I just facebooked about you and your awesomeness!

Lauren said...

I'm a follower, love your Etsy store! I'm not a blogger myself, so consider your giveaway Facebooked :-)

Shelley said...

Following your blog! :)
seashell210 at gmail dot com

Shelley said...

Following your blog! :)
seashell210 at gmail dot com

Kiri said...

I'm a follower :)


Michele @ {Primp} said...

I've been following for a while--love you blog!

Tara said...

I'm a new follower!

Emily said...

new follower and i facebooked about ur giveaway
emmy1981 at aol dot com

April Yedinak said...

i follow and i am sharing on FB
FB ID april yedinak

Leslie Richman said...

I'm a new follower and I posted the giveaway on FB.
Thanks for the chance to win!!

MPowell said...

I am a new follow and I absolutely love anthropology!

Dani said...

Anthropologie makes me swoon!!

I'm a follower!

Emily {All You Need is Love} said...

follow on reader and fan on fb!!
love this giveaway!! thanks for the chance to win!! ;)

Unknown said...

Just found your blog, and now I follow :)

Unknown said...

Just found your blog, and now I follow :)

Anonymous said...

hi! just followed your awesome blog~!

Anonymous said...

here's my tweet


PrettyDaisee said...

Following with Google Friend Connect - Crystal Marshall, prettydaisee(a)gmail(dot)com

PrettyDaisee said...

Following Twig on FB!! - Crystal Marshall, prettydaisee(a)gmail(dot)com

Anonymous said...

was blog surfing and found yours a couple days ago; love it!!

Happy Birthday

Don't have a blog of my own yet but you can find my facebook under Amber Kirschman :)

Vittoria said...

happy birthday! mine is coming up too...and here is a hint: i love anthropologie!

here's my tweet: http://twitter.com/DolphinV27/status/24439548165



Anonymous said...

Amber said...

was blog surfing and found yours a couple days ago; love it!!

Happy Birthday

Don't have a blog of my own yet but you can find my facebook under Amber Kirschman :)

oops, sorry. email is amber.kirschman@gmail.com

Miss Tran said...

follow your blog and i liked it on facebook. :)

Zenimue said...

I Follow with Google Friend connectish & have been a reader of yer blog for quite some time now (via RSS feed)

Anthropology WTF pwns Urban Outfitters =)

Hollie Joy In The Morning said...

Wow bloggy friend!! AMazing giveaway from an amazing, creative girl!! So good to see you last weekend!! Love, Hollie=)

Hollie Joy In The Morning said...

Wow bloggy friend!! AMazing giveaway from an amazing, creative girl!! So good to see you last weekend!! Love, Hollie=)

ky2here said...

Good Morning. I follow on GFC as kycouple2000. Here's my tweet:


ky2here at msn dot com

mmentor said...

i like your site

Unknown said...

Happy birthday (a little early)! I follow as Happi Shopr and tweeted: http://twitter.com/happishopr/status/24463163567

trinitygsd at yahoo dot com

liz said...

What a lovely giveaway :) I would like to participate in it.
Anw i am totally follower through Google Friend Connect name liz.

Contact me dear :)

thankies for helding this sweet giveaway and have a perfect day :)

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, lovely prizes. I already follow your blog. I don't have a blog but I tweeted the giveaway:

Thanks! :)
shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Anonymous said...

I follow
Thank you


follow and tweeted

Anonymous said...

I am happy to follow your blog! So cool! - Adriane


Anonymous said...

I also posted your blog link on my FB page! http://www.facebook.com/?ref=home#!/pages/Adrianes-Amazing-Sterling-Silver/304883945457?ref=ts

mogrill said...

I am a brand new follower.
Thanks for the chance.

Amber said...

I follow your blog with google friend connect and I don't have a blog myself, so I tweeted (My Twitter ID is @AmberGoo)
Thank you for the giveaway :)

Joy said...

follow and tweeted

muffin said...

i follow and adore your blog!!!

muffin said...

oh and i tweeted and fb promoted it as well!!

cindy k said...

love seeing this blog , it is so wonderful to see things shared..thanks for give away, too nice

Black Sheep Broad said...

I follow you on Google Friend Connect, I tweeted http://twitter.com/SewIntoEwe/status/24490196851, and Happy Birthday early!

Vejitayreun said...

Now following you on GFC!


Courtney B said...

i'm a blog follower- count me in!

vanitizebaby at yahoo dot com

Sarah G. said...

I follow your blog via GFC

Kimberly said...

I follow your blog and tweeted http://twitter.com/Aerated/status/24495276976
I think Anthropologie is pretty much my favorite store ever! :)
kirbycolby at gmail dot com

O and A's Mom said...

Just found this blog and really enjoyed the yard saling post!

Jess Herbig said...

Hey pick me pick me! I follow your blog and LOVE the things Bloggers do! And I gave you a thumbs up and shout out on Facebook!

Beth said...

I have been following your blog for several months and really enjoy all of the inspiration. Your latest outdoor bench is stunning!!
I would love to be entered into your wonderful giveaway.


llinda29 said...

Congratulations, Linda Lansford
You are now following Twig

Anonymous said...

I just started following your blog, thanks to Jessica Herbig! I fb'd your contest!

Jean @ www.thebackyardbungalow.com said...

I'm a follower of the blog and the Vintage Whites Market! I will FB your contest! Pick me! Jean

Wendy said...

I'm a follower AND, I LOVE love love anthropologie!!!!

mverno said...

i follow mverno mverno@roadrunner.com

Katherine Roberts said...

I am a follower and I blogged about the giveaway here:http://katskatharsis.blogspot.com/

jumbledjoys said...

Love your blog, love Brook Waggoner. Listen to your playlist almost everyday since I found your blog and still not tired of it! I fb'd your contest so pick me.....please!

Megan Whitney said...

I'm a follower and i'll definitely be sharing this giveaway on facebook!


Sara Tornow said...

I follow your blog!

Sara Tornow said...

I posted a link to your giveaway on my facebook.

Anonymous said...

I love that movie too :)
Great giveaway.
I'm a follower.
Thanks Monica

Anonymous said...

I just tweeted about your wonderful giveaway.
Thanks Monica

Shelley Johnson said...

Tweeted and following!


Bloggytime20 at yahoo dot com

Carrie Rowe said...

i'm a follower (in a good way ;)

Michelle said...

I follow you with gfc and I shared this giveaway on fb http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/Chelle11111?v=wall&story_fbid=114228751968809


Erica C. said...

I'm a GFC follower :)
Thanks for such a nice giveaway!

Jennifer C. said...

I follow via GFC and I tweeted. http://twitter.com/JCausby/status/24530129318

Happy Birthday! Mine is the 22nd!

jennifercausby at hotmail dot com

Alicia said...

Follow your blog on GFC

Alicia said...

Mentioned the giveaway on Facebook

Danielle said...

following via Google..
Great giveaway! :)
email: paranoid.butterfly@gmail.com

wcc said...

I follow via GFC! Thanks so much for the chance at this fantastic giveaway!

I tweeted here: http://twitter.com/whitechocolatec/statuses/24548105156

whitechocolatecherries at gmail.com

Tina said...

I follow your blog!

calej said...

Such a refreshing blog you have! And Anthropologie wow, breathless giveaway! :)


Tina12312 said...

I tweeted http://twitter.com/Tina12312/status/24573659708

thank you!

Anonymous said...

I follow and had fun checking out your blog
Diane Baum

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