08 July 2010

Food and babies...

Apparently I gravitate toward these subjects for my photos.  I get home and look at my camera card, and what do I find?  An abundance of babies and food.  There are also pictures of cute vintage things, but 75% are babies and food. 

(Sandy made these apple shortcakes....)

Is there a job where I can just take pictures of babies and food and get paid for it?  I probably would.  In between the market and making pillows...

which, by the way, I will be supplying a gal with my muslin flowers for her shop!  So excited!  It will be in an old house in VA.  I think I might need to take a PURELY BUSINESS trip to go see her shop...

Market research, we'll call it.

I can take notes on the statistics of how much money I spend vs. how much I have in my bank account...

and then I'll stop taking notes because it's tangible evidence that I. Have. A. Problem.



(Also Sandy...)

Where was I?  Oh, yes...back to my career of babies and food.  I suppose if the whole "bring me babies and food and I will photograph them for money" thing doesn't work out, I could always produce some offspring of my own, train them to bake for me, and I could take pictures....

What's that?  Child labor laws?  Nah..they'd love it! 

Oh look, I found this picture from our first market...how appropriate!

Creepy?  I thought so too, that's why the name of the above picture is in fact, creepy.jpg.

I could class it up a bit and make a good name for my business like...

Babies and Buttercream

Confections and....cuties....oh my gosh I can't do it.  Thats almost as bad as those Mary Engelbreit drawings.  They are too much.  TOO much.  It's the same feeling I get when I look at this:

OH HOW CUTE...This kitten is about to rip the fabric of space and time...hope you enjoy that arm growing out of your hip...

Or this...

Never let wolves do LSD.   The outcome is bubbles and dreamcatchers and sparkles...wait...is this a dramatic representation of Twilight?!

HHHHH.... (thats my heavy sigh in case you didn't pick up on that..)

Boy, this post is all about random tangent isn't it? 

Lets look at some babies...

Unsuspecting papaw + Unsuspecting toddler = perfect photo op.

Well..this is awkward...I really don't know how to end this post since it was so random...so....here you go....


P.S.  Enfants is French for children....and English for CLASSY ADVERTISING ELEMENT...  


GottaHaveJC said...

You are soooo clever! I love your stuff, Jana! Keep it rollin' gal! Much love!

Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

you are hilarious!! i live in the southwest so i'm lucky enough to get to see people walking around wearing shirts with crazy lsd wolf images on them. i'm serious. because ya know, nothing says southwestern living like a drugged up wolf. ha!!

Anne Marie said...

what is that food in the first picture?? and if you love babies and food together, then I would say you are a woman.

Cheyenne said...

bahaha! This whole post made my day! :)

you being random=me laughing uproariously

Joyeful said...

girl, you make me laugh!!!! And you can come visit anytime and take pictures of my babies and food!!

Terrell said...

Too funny! They are some of the best subjects...ever! :) Happy weekend to you!
xoxo~Terrell @ FrouFrouDecor~

Ashley said...

Jana, you're a funny funny girl. Who doesn't like babies and food? Oh and now I am hungry for pastries and dessert, thanks for that.


paperbird said...

cute post., you are adorable. I so want to come to your lovely show. Sigh!

Life of Mrs. Peters said...

i am much the same!
i adore my lil niece (who is turning 1 next
month!!) and whenever i see her..
i take tons of photos. and like you,
i also love taking photos of food!
there is something about capturing
a photo of food...especially if you made
it yourself : ) have a fabulous week!!

Anonymous said...

You are BEYOND funny!! LOL.

Anonymous said...

XD Hey, how about.. making baby clothes that looks like baked goods!! like, little whipped cream hats or something to that extent? It's so cute that you like such sweet things.

Anne Lorys said...

This post pretty much just single-handedly made up for the uber crappy day I had at work.
For that, I salute you! :-)

Sydney said...

Ok this post has me crying from laughter...HA-LAR-I-OUS

augustalolita said...

food!! its making me hungry!! adorable baby photos too!!

Molly Betsy @ Star Cottage said...

I just found your blog today. This post made me laugh so hard. Thanks so much, I needed it ;)

Hollie Joy In The Morning said...

LOL funny=)...Such sweet pictures, and wow, you've got some classy graphic design going there at the end;)!! Thanks for sharing the objects of your desire...pretty much the same as mine...babies and food rock!

Anonymous said...

Hi , may i copy ur pict above . Thank you. Ur picture look vintage .