22 April 2010

1 year anniversary giveaway!

It has just come to my attention that I've been blogging for over a year now!  Oops...I thought I was watching that more carefully!

How exciting!  With my personality, I usually tend to start a lot of things that make me excited, but then I lose steam over time and forget about it...

I think I figured out the difference in blogging though...the amazing friends I've made through it!  I love getting on to see who's commented.  There are a few people that have been with me since the beginning, and I might not know them personally but I feel like I do.  Such sweet women! 

I think I should do a giveaway...it's the cool thing to do, and I have some amazingly cute things to send off! 

1. $50.00 Ruche or Anthropologie Gift Certificate (Your choice)

2.  A bundle of vintage French flashcards from Paperaeroplanes

3.  Digital Scrapbooking Sets

4.  My autograph...just kidding.  Actually number four will be a special surprise!


So now, a few ways to enter (comment for each that you do):

1.  Leave a comment (maybe some advice on what kind of posts you'd like to see this next year)

2. Blog/tweet/facebook about the giveaway (separate entries for each)

3.  Become a follower and grab our buttons (Twig and The Vintage Whites Market)

4.  Do a little dance....make a little love hmmm...ok there's no 4th rule, but the giveaway does end on April 29th..that's one week to tell all your friends and get some entries!

Have fun! And thank you for being such amazing readers!  I can't wait to see how Twig/The Vintage Whites Market will grow in the next year!

Tomorrow, I will have a very special guest blogger.  If you haven't met Kristin from My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia,  you're missing out on the cutest little ray of sunshine!  She's got a house to die for, and seriously...go look at her kitchen.  Bring a drool rag. 

I'll be trading spaces, so to speak, with Kristin for Friday.  I encourage you all to add her to your daily reads if you haven't already!  She's also got a fabulous giveaway from CSN going on right now, so make sure and visit to enter before April 29th!

Good luck in both giveaways.. and seriously, from the tips of my toes to the hairs on my head...thank you for making blogging a part of my life that I don't think I could live without. 


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Anonymous said...

Love your post! And congrats!!!.. Will definitely tweet you..and I will take a huge..super big..super sized autograph please...

any post you do is just divine!

Sydney said...

Love your blog, I'd like to see of your photography, I love the angles you use!

I follow :)

(I did a dance, well, more like a jig)
Congrats on your first year and many more!

Anonymous said...

Hi! :) I just became a follower. I've been meaning to do it for a while and finally did today. :) Love your blog!! Hope you're doing well!

E-Funk'tography said...

I love your ideas and even though I am living in a baby proof house at the moment, I dream of the day I can have my all white room with splashes of teal here and there! So for now, I read so I can store your ideas for later! :)

Martha said...

oh how I love both stores....I love, love your blog...and I am grabbing your buttons because I cannot believe I haven't done that yet...thanks for the reminders:)
Congrats to your year! What a special thing!

Samantha2818 said...

Hey Jana,
Happy bloggiversary! Happy to have been one of your followers for some time and have loved getting to know you!
Lovely giveaway - I'll post a link on my sidebar.
Have a lovely day from all the way over here in Sunny (but Volcanic ash covered!) Wales!
~Sam x

Christina said...

A big fan! Love your blog and look forward to many more posts!

hana.k said...


hana.k said...


Katie said...

haha darn i was really wishing for the autograph lol.

love that giveaway!

Roots and Feathers said...

i am right there with you on blogging being one of those things that you stick with b/c of the relationships you form, its truly amazing.

i would say one thing i always like on your blog is you music stream, so just keep adding to it! sometimes, ill just put your blog on to listen to your music! love it!

Roots and Feathers said...

i just facebooked it!


Roots and Feathers said...

i just tweeted!


E-Funk'tography said...

I re-facebooked and got you a couple new followers!!

The Water Girl said...

Happy blogiversary!

Shannon said...

Congrats on your 1 year blogiversary! I love reading favorites of other bloggers :)

Sandy a la Mode said...

congrats on your 1 year blogaversary! what a GREAT milestone accomplishment!! i think what makes your blog beautiful is the pictures you take! i am just getting into photography so i love seeing photographic inspiration on blogs!! =) keep doing what you're doing and thanks for a chance at winning!


Sandy a la Mode said...

I tweeted to my followers!! Thanks again for hosting this fabulous giveaway! http://twitter.com/sandyalamode/status/12661397542

Sandy a la Mode said...

I did a little dance for ya! Thank you again for this giveaway! If I win.. oh man, that will be a tough choice between Anthro and ShopRuche!!!

Kristin @ My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia said...

Hi Jana- what a great giveaway, thank for hosting! I love your style, you know that! Looking forward to tomorrow!!

melissadc76 said...

Wow, amazing giveaway. I love crafty tutorials.

Jenny said...

I've been a follower for awhile now and loving' every minute of it!

Please enter me into your amazing giveaway.

I will not resort to whining or whimpering...

I will simply say in a no-nonsense voice.

Pick me, pick me, pick me.


Congratulations on it being a year. The time really does fly by.

Chrissy said...

Great blog~~ congrats!!

Chrissy said...



Martha Carolyn said...

I honestly don't think I'm worthy to give you advice on upcoming blogs for the next year. You are already so much more creative than I am! I love the photos you post and how you edit them. Happy 1 year anniversary!! And thank you for offering such a SWEET giveaway! :-)

Martha Carolyn said...

I have been a follower for a while, and I'm grabbing your buttons to add to my blog.

Trish @TheOldPostRoad said...

Add me! Thanks!

Capricious Traveler said...

I love your blog, i say keep up the good work! Congrats on 1 year! I would love to win this!

Amber Strehle said...

Ahh look at all these comments!!! Looks like you are doing something right..no advice here..just keep it real girl:)

lindsey k said...

Happy first year of blogging!!! Love the daily inspiration!! Thanks and keep it coming!!

Anna @ IHOD said...

congratulations! your blog is lovely!
crossing my fingers!

Anna @ IHOD said...

A new happy follower!

Anna @ IHOD said...

tweeted @inhonorofdesign!

Niina said...

Hi, this giveaway is lovely. I will tell about it in my blogg. Hopefully i have good luck...;).
Love, Niina

Anonymous said...

Awesome giveaway!! Love your blog! <333 Michelle

Erica said...

I just found your blog and I love it. It is so beautiful and serene!! And the giveaway...phenomenal!!
Happy one year anniversary!

Erica said...

Tweeted: http://twitter.com/lacadazy/status/12717076247

Erica said...

I became a follower and posted both button on my blog: http://allglorynoguts.blogspot.com/

Ginger@cottageonrosewood said...

I found you by way of My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia...I would love to win...I LOVE Anthro, but sometimes, not their prices, this would ease the wallet pain

TheVirginiaHouse said...

Awesome Giveaway!! I can't wait to see more about your new white market. Pictures!! Thanks for sticking around a year so we can all enjoy what you share!

TheVirginiaHouse said...

tweeted here: http://twitter.com/thevahouse

TheVirginiaHouse said...

I'm also a follower!!

TheVirginiaHouse said...

Shared it on Facebook too!! Can you tell I would love to win this;-)

Alyssa said...

Found your site via My Uncommon Slice of Suburbia. Loving it! I do believe I will try and attend your White Market!

Alyssa said...

I am also now a follower!

Alyssa said...

...and I tweeted it!

fawn said...

Congratulations! I have been following for a while now and love everything about your blog. Please count me in for a chance at this lovely and generous giveaway. xoxo

Kat said...

I am a follower! Love your blog!

Ticking and Toile said...

What a fun giveaway & looks like an awesome sale! Wish I were closer!


Ticking and Toile said...

I'm now a follower of your very cute blog!


slip4 said...

I am a very happy follower of your blog! Wonderful giveaway!

Ticking and Toile said...

I posted both buttons!


Kerri - Driftwood Interiors said...

I'm new to your blog, but now a follower and so glad to have found you! I'd love to be in the running for your fabulous giveaway, and now I'm off to have a good old read through your gorgeous blog! Kerri xx

slb3334 said...

anything you want to pot is fine.

Anonymous said...

Great blog. Don't change anything.
Glad you hit one year old and thanks for the chance to win the give away.

anna said...

i really enjoy every part of your blog. turn up the music!

love it!

Deb said...

I really love your blog and follow! Just wish I could visit your lovely market! Such a generous giveaway, thanks for the chance.

Unknown said...

Hello Jana, I just spent the morning going thru your whole blog. I live in Orlando Florida but I have a 2nd home in Lakeside Montana! When I saw you on Kristin's blog I got so excited. I wish so much I would be there for the show in May. It looks awesome, right up my alley. We moved our daughter to Whitefish last June. I will be there this June. First I go to the Farm Chick Show then drive over and stay a while.
Anyway, I'm going on to much. I'm glad I found your blog and I will be letting all my friends now about your show. I'm sure they will be there.
You can bet I will be at one this summer.
Enjoy your weekend!

Unknown said...

I'm a follower!

Unknown said...

Your on my sidebar!

Unknown said...

so.... I just sent you an accidental email! I love your blog! You do a great job Jana! You should def post more pics! Love them!

Courtney B said...

love this giveaway! i love anthrpology! !

Courtney B said...



Courtney B said...

blog follower

Courtney B said...

fb fan courtney bella

Lilly said...

And I would like to see maybe some craft tutorials =D
Thanks for the chance and have a wonderful weekend!
eli_green22 at yahoo dot com dot br

Anna said...

I just found you and became a follower! Happy Dance!

Melanie said...

I love anything to do with decorating.

Melanie said...

I tweeted about the giveaway!

lissaxolove said...

I have not read your blog before, but the first thing I saw was your cute layout, and even this giveaway post was fun to read.. so I will read some more =)

thanks for the chance


lissaxolove said...

I follow your blog now!


Sellswifey said...

Congrats on blogging for so long! I would love to start my own blog, but I am so darn busy with school, work, and children. I will just enjoy yours instead!

Amber said...

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! That's a huge accomplishment and I can see your passion for blogging still comes through strong!
Thank you for the giveaway :)

C said...

Congrats and thanks for the giveaway!

kaleidoscopequeen at gmail dot com

PAIGE said...

I'd like to see more vintage - postcards, stationary maybe?

KrisKay said...

Happy Anniversary! Great giveaway and great blog!
kriskay4 at gmail dot com

allysona said...

happy aniversary to you- love this site

Anonymous said...

I'd love to see more contests. Happy Anniversary! Charlotte

Julieh said...

Great giveaway, I'd like to see some posts on party ideas! honeypie411 at yahoo dot com

mverno said...

i could deal with it mverno@roadrunner.com

delphiandreams said...

I could have so used those french flashcards this semester! Lol.


mogrill said...

Thanks for the chance.

Genny said...

Happy birthday!!!!

contactinkspot at gmail dot com

Genny said...


contactinkspot at gmail dot com

Genny said...

Tweeted this giveaway


contactinkspot at gmail dot com

Genny said...

Shared this giveaway on Facebook (Genny Heavenly)

contactinkspot at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Congrats on 1 year! Heres to another great year. My only advice is to keep doing what you're doing. Thanks for the lovely giveaway also.

I follow your blog.

I tweeted also:

shevilkenevil1 at aol dot com

Jenn S. said...

Congrats! Happy Blogversary!

yellow orchid said...

keep doing what your doing !!!

happy blogiversary!!

Nothing of the Sort said...

Congrats on the 1 year anniversary and thank you for the giveaway chance!

Nothing of the Sort said...

tweeted here:

Anonymous said...

you've done a great job with this blog and keep up the good work!

angela_jeon at yahoo dot com

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the 1st year. Very cute blog.


Anonymous said...

I am a goofle follower


Anonymous said...

Love your blog! Thank you for the time you put into it!

h. mcnaron said...

way to go- what an accomplishment! Thank you for sharing with us.

carmen said...

Congratulations!! That's gotta be a great feeling!!

Abby said...

Happy Anniversary!

ajcmeyer at go dot com

Katy Noelle said...

Dear Twig, Your blog is so gorgeous and elegant and funny! A very good combination! I'm really excited about your move. I LOVE your space and the neighborhood, well, it just looks happy fun to walk (or drive =] ) around in. Your self description is just brilliant!

Thanks for hanging out with me in the sunny spot! I'm flattered and honored.

Love, Katy Noelle

LittleEagle said...

Congratulations on one year. I look forward to the second year. Thank you for hosting a giveaway.

Heather said...

Congratulations! I'm looking forward to reading more of your posts. Your blog is really elegant-looking.

rsbryswrrl at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I love your blog! Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Your ideas are amazing. Thank you for sharing them!

Kirstin at tkzm2j2 at msn dot com

Anonymous said...

Just discovered your blog - congrats on your 1 year anniversary. I love Anthropologie, so I have to enter this giveaway. I can't really give good advice because I just found your site, but I will tell you I love new decorating ideas - and photos are beautiful. I think you have those points already covered. I look forward to reading more of your blog!
june_spirit2628 at hotmail dot com

Unknown said...

First time on your blog. Thanks for sharing

rugerpuppies at hotmail dot com

Min K said...

more sweepstakes!

Liz said...

I just stumbled across your blog. I am working on decorating my house and am feeling inspired!

EclecticZebra said...

I like the setup of your blog! More contests are always welcome!
no19034770 AT YAHOO DOT COM

Jillian V said...

I'd love to shop at Anthropolgie


MJ said...

Congratulations on your first anniversary!

terri142 said...

Great blog. I love to see your photography! Congrats on the first anniversary!

terri142 said...



Anonymous said...

Congrats on your 1 st anniversary
I love your window seat and I love Montana!
I love Anthropologie, too.
Thanks for hosting a giveaway.

Jennifer Neal said...

Congrats! :)

flychild7 said...

You blog is really nice, just found it. This would be great to win!


Jenny said...

I love posts where you take detailed pictures of the room and kind of break down your inspiration for the elements found in the rooms.

jennylambeth (at) mac (dot) com

Jenny said...

I'm a follower!

jennylambeth (at) mac (dot) com

Jenny said...

I tweeted!


jennylambeth (at) mac (dot) com

Erica C. said...

Congrats on 1 year! I love the giveaway :)

Anonymous said...

I love your blog and Anthropologie...just keep it more of the same!

mikkipiglet (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Following you on GFC - Mikki M

Jennifer B said...

Congrats on the one year mark.

Jennifer B said...

Follow your blog

Lily said...

I love your blog and this giveaway is fantastic! And congrats on one year!

Lily said...

I tweeted: http://twitter.com/slowclublover/status/13030898805

Anonymous said...

I would love to see more posts about the Basics of interior design! Maybe what you learned in school, Maybe a Quiz finding out how well fit we are for the job...or if we should hire our own designer! haha, Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Following blog via GFC.

Unknown said...

I like your taste :D


Seawashed said...

Your blog is sweet. Congratulations! I won't be tweeting you...I don't tweet. I do FB...so may find you there. And I don't have buttons on my blog anymore. There were just too many and I didn't want to leave anyone out!

Robyn said...

First, I'm doing a little dance. Typically my dancing needs to involve several glasses of wine so I'm really going on out a limb here (I'm so PUNNY...Twig...Limb!)

Robyn said...

Going to blog about it too! I'm at www.whimages.blogspot.com

Robyn said...

AND of course I already FOLLOW!

Robyn said...

oh, and I LIKED you on FB...I don't know how to tweet...yes, I'm a loser like that.

Anonymous said...

great blog, happy Blogday

Mimi the kitten said...

Congrats on the blogiversary, and God bless you!

Mimi the kitten said...

Follower on Google!

Pamela S said...

Congratulations on your one year anniversary! Love your blog. Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

Pamela S said...

New follower GFC (pamelashockley)
Thanks so much! pamelashockley(AT)netscape(DOT)net

Rachel Quist said...

i really like the blog, and the design is fantastic

Anonymous said...

I'm new to your blog. Good work and congrats on over a year. Thanks for the giveaway.


kakihara said...

Keep up the good work!! I love your blog--you've got a great mix of old, new, funky--all things off the beaten path--very cool!!

kakihara said...

I'm a follower

Tonya Dean said...

Congrats! A year goes by so fast.


AmyLynn said...

Congrats on a year! Looking through your blog, I'd love to see more photos. Thanks!

AmyLynn said...

I'm following your blog.

carolpie said...

Yes, more pictures and just more of your blog. Really like it and it is very interesting to me and right up my alley! Content is what I love. Graphics are pretty.
spencer1953 at gmail dot com-carol.

carolpie said...

I follow-carol lewis.

And congrats!

carolpie said...


carolpie said...

I blogged here:http://forums.online-sweepstakes.com/blog.php?b=2276

(I didn't grab your button in previous comment but do follow, but if need to grab button, I don't know how, so please just delete that comment. Thanks.)

S Carter said...

Congrats on your 1 year anniversary! Thanks for the giveaway.

scarter305 at aol dot com

Victoria Hayden said...

I have recently discovered your blog and love seeing all your creative ideas. I agree...blogging is great for all the amazing friends you get to know. Congratulations on your 1 year!!


Victoria Hayden said...

I follow you!

Amanda S. said...

Love your blog! Your pictures are fantastic and I'd love to see more. :)

Anonymous said...

I am a silent observer, usually, but I would love to see you do some mood boards. You have great style, and mood boards would be a way for readers like me to steal some of your decorating ideas for our own homes (or future homes). Thanks for a great blog.


Stephanie said...

I'm a follower!

Stephanie said...

Check out my blog (I've added your two wonderful buttons)!

Stephanie said...

Tweeted @mostazaseed

Stephanie said...

Facebook status = Mostaza Seed Designs- Twig has a wonderful giveaway going on that ends tonight at midnight! Check it out here: http://twigdecor.blogspot.com/2010/04/1-year-anniversary-giveaway.html

Stephanie said...

Check out my blog post about your blog!


Stephanie said...

Happy Anniversary! I absolutely love DIY blog posts, so some more of that in the new year would be brilliant!

angelamae said...

Congrats! I agree with Stephanie on the DIY posts.

SolDucky said...

Congratulations! More photos and diy ideas would be awesome.

SolDucky said...

I am a follower also.

Lindsay said...

cool scrabooking ideas are always fun!

slip4 said...

I am a follower! Great blog. How about pictures of your friends houses? Everyone loves a house tour!

thecafecat said...

A follower who wants to see you post some delicious local recipes!


clutterbug said...

Hey Jana, I've enjoyed reading your blog lately - I like funny posts and also posts with pictures :) Keep up the good work - I need to pick your brain about this whole thing one of these days!

xoxo Ashley

Lisa said...

Love your blog! Happy 1 year!!

Lisa said...

I'm a follower too! :)

crystal said...

I have been enjoying your blog..Congratulations on One Year!!!
I am looking forward to visiting often;)
Happy Spring~
cyclona66(at)aol dot com

Sand said...

Happy Anniversary!

Elizabeth Johnson said...

Cuuute blog. Congratulations on one year!

Jinxy and Me said...

Happy anniversary and good luck on another year!

Anonymous said...

I love everyone and everything too..except bees and spiders..;-) Love your blog, I follow, tweet and Facebook.

Jinxy and Me said...

I'm following your blog in Google Friend Connect.

Charity S said...

I like posts with photos. Thanks

charisscharity at yahoo dot com

Charity S said...



Charity S said...

Following on GFC.


cman said...

I always love recipe posts.

Melanie Montgomery said...

All this stuff is beautiful, as is the song you have playing on your blog!


Kelley said...

I love your blog, the photos are really inspiring! Thanks for the awesome giveaway. :)

lilyk said...

I think your blog is great! I would love to see more giveaways in the coming year.

Unknown said...

I'm your follower, and I've added your buttons!
http://ateacupofwhimsy.blogspot.com (bottom)

Though, just as a side note: as much as I love scrapbooking, I don't have much time to do it these days. If I do win, I'd like to request that you do another giveaway for those rollover items; after all, they should go to hands that would make good use of them.

Clare Tea said...

Ooh! Cards to my favorite stores, both of them! I love this! I love them! Thank you!
I love this blog!

I actually danced when I saw the shop names before I scrolled down, and laughed at the fourth 'requirement'. Done, I guess!

Hm... I was wondering, if you could do a post on suitable vintage music? I've just recently started being interested in the vintage lifestyle, so I'm not very informed about music from the past.. ... sadly. Perhaps classical music works... or maybe you can post about some of your favorites? In particular, I'm looking for background music.

speaking of which, if you've gotten this comment before, I had a bit of a mess up with google...

Clare Tea said...

There we go. Now to post this comment with the right account (that Kumune one was mine , sorry )

by the way, happy anniversary! May there be many more wonderful posts to come.

I'm your follower, and I've added your buttons!
http://ateacupofwhimsy.blogspot.com (bottom)

Though, just as a side note: as much as I love scrapbooking, I don't have much time to do it these days. If I do win, I'd like to request that you do another giveaway for those rollover items; after all, they should go to hands that would make good use of them.

Clare Tea said...

shared on facebook http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1114176327&v=wall&story_fbid=122002287811793

Dixie said...

Love your blog. Pick me.

Miss P. said...

I just followed your blog, I love it already! :D

Miss P. said...

I tweeted! http://twitter.com/imisspekkle/status/13134281423
Thanks so much for extending the contest!

Anonymous said...

What a fun giveaway! Thanks!


Anonymous said...



angela_jeon at yahoo dot com

Shannon said...

Congrats on a year! That's a big deal. Your blog is beautiful.


Green's Anatomy said...

ooo i wanna see more giveaways!


workouteatin said...

I just came across your blog, and I'm so excited you extended the deadline! Anthropologie is my favorite store, hands down! I look forward to reading more of your blog in the future :)

workouteatin said...

I'm a follower now!

Anonymous said...

I have to say, your logo is just beautiful. Love that aesthetic! Look forward to another many years with you!

Thanks for the chance to win!


ejm6x (at) yahoo (dot) com

Laura@SouthernPirates said...

Love the page...happy 1st birthday!

Laura@SouthernPirates said...


slipperymermaid Twig: 1 year anniversary giveaway!#c8648627401303853688#c8648627401303853688 http://goo.gl/CUrg

very married said...


congrats on the anniversary! (giveaways are always appreciated :) )

Kristen said...

I love Anthropologie!

Also...I wanted to tell you that usually when I go to a website and music blasts on I leave right away, but not here! What beautiful music you've chosen! Instead of being irritating it's a nice complement to my visit. Thanks!

katidyd said...

no autograph?? that would have been my pick! ;) Happy anniversary!
katidyd at hotmail dot com

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